April is the month of new beginnings. Flowers begin to bud, a resurrection is celebrated, rainy days begin the harvest, daylight grows longer, and a renewed sense of energy seems to flow through. It is only fitting that this same month dedicates itself to raising awareness for autism, compassion and hope for new beginnings to every family afflicted or those who may become.
Personally, this is a month of responsibilty. A responsibility that involves doing whatever it takes to educate, assist, and involve my family, friends, and community in understanding autism. I am excited to begin by participating in diversity day, appropriately held on April 2nd (World Autism Awareness Day), at my son's elementary school. Stations will be set up to simulate the difficulties a peer with a disability may encounter (during daily tasks that are typically easy for most of us). I will be demonstrating at the fine motor station where the children will actually be given the opportunity to experience the frustrations and difficulties of a disabled peer. It is a reminder to us all that awareness can begin at the any age. The benefits these youngsters receive in understanding their friends produces an empathy that will encourage friendships to be made, to strengthen or to grow. The time to make an impression is when minds are impressionable.
Check back often, I hope to post (often) with personal experiences and triumphs, awareness suggestions, and facts.